Friday, February 27, 2015

Warm up and cool down walk = 4380 steps - and Lots of ‘Citron Chaud’

During the current deep freeze Judy prefers to ride the horses instead of riding and teaching. It’s way too hard to stay warm if you go from riding to sitting/standing teaching and then back to riding again.

So I tried to groom Remy without exposing too much skin (not easy!) and then hand-walked/trotted him for about 15 minutes to get his muscles warm before Judy got on. Remy’s weeklong vacation during our trips did not put a wrench into his training – Luckily! Some horses don’t take time off too easily, and it seems they need a lot of time to get back into the ‘working-swing’. Not so Remy, now that he has figured out the work-play routine he loves to go back to work.

It was great seeing him worked under saddle. Remy’s muscles are developing correctly, and (proud mother speaking): He is pretty stunning. I watch Judy like a hawk when she rides, as I’m a visual person and I am striving to emulate her position and aids. At least we are making ‘Citron Chaud’ (hot lemonade) out of the frozen lemons we are handed this winter. And – walking 2.7 miles warming up and cooling down translates into 146 burned calories, making room for ‘Citron Chaud’ plus a cookie or two to go with it!


  • 1 grande tasse d'eau (ou mug 200 ml environ)
  • 1/2 citron (1 à 2 cuillerées à café du jus)
  • 1 cuillerée à café de miel


  • 1 casserole
  • 1 presse citron


  1. Faire bouillir l'eau
  2. Mettre le miel et le jus de citron au fond d'une grande tasse et verser de l'eau chaude dessus

  3. Remuer et boire de suite.

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