Sunday, February 1, 2015

Taking a trip down memory lane - how about a 'Reiterstueble'?

Well, as expected, the snow finally caught up with us. First severe storm of the year. The big Chevy Truck with four-wheel drive had to work extra hard for its gas today, plowing through heavy snow on my way back from the barn. At home Saumur sported a blanket with a solidly frozen sheet of snow on top; and fuzzy Teddy was covered in icicles. Only Chambord was dry, he obviously never ventured out of the protective cover of the porch.

So, stuck inside I took a trip down memory lane, checking up on news from Germany. More precisely, the 'Rappenhof', the first place where I leased a horse. Like all children, I learned to ride at the local 'Reitverein' (riding club) in group lessons (private lessons for children where unheard of). As a young adult I managed to 'upgrade' to a private stable, quite posh, the 'Rappenhof'. Leasing/sharing a horse was very common, not only to share expenses, but also the riding. The horses didn't get turned out in the winter, so they had to be ridden every day.

I was lucky, I found a great share: A smart guy who figured out that horses are "chick magnets". He picked up the chicks and let me do a lot of the riding.

Group lessons in dressage and jumping were included in the board, and the barn was very sophisticated for the time featuring showers, changing rooms... and best of all - the 'Reiterstueble' (rider's lounge) - with a bar! Well frequented, of course. Especially during jumping lessons: If  a rider fell off he/she had to buy a round of drinks to all riders. It was fun to gather after riding, either for a cool beer or a hot coffee, and talk horses.

Here is a picture of the entrance to the indoor arena (the horses are stabled in the barn across the courtyard):

So, Jude, we have the hot coffee covered - now how about adding a bar?! :)

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