With Judy being gone this week the thought of 'just play' with Remy did cross my mind, even though I had promised to try to stay on the straight and narrow. This just means no lounging on the forehand, being on the aids, overall just a good equine citizen. Play we did a bit, in the form of me riding Remy like a hunter, lots of posting trot and two point in the canter. Remy enjoyed it, I was waiting for him to say "Let's just ditch Dressage, pretty please?" He didn't lose is Good Equine Citizenship.
Cindy gave us a lesson on Wednesday, which was great. She reminded me of the things I get a bit complacent about (i.e. accepting Remy's "That's good enough, thank you very much"). I took my takeaway from the lesson into my ride the next day, and wouldn't you know it, we managed clean changes (at least they felt clean). The trick for me was to ask for a ton of simple changes before, to make Remy really listening to my aids. As I was riding in my soft boots, no spurs, it was important to have him right there with me.
Note to cat: The mice played but also worked!
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