After 10 days we went back to work under Judy's watchful eagle eyes. Did we stagnate, or -heaven forbid- regress? Some of the other clients ran into issues working alone, and I know that when I'm on my own I'm a bit more lackadaisical than usual. I do need a certain positive! pressure to be my best (only when riding, JP, only when riding).
Aside from getting reminders that Remy "needs to be comfortable on his hind end" (meaning he needs to honestly push from behind) overall it was very positive. I was really happy, especially because it was a Monday - which means Remy was just coming off a three day weekend at home. Mondays are usually his 'warm up' days, he needs time to get back into the swing of things. So yay, all things considered we weathered our alone time quite well and whew: No "Judy Intervention" needed.
On the study front I finally got the field work entrance exam done with 95.74%. It was a tough one, and it's like learning a new language. If you want to give it a whirl, here are some of the questions:
1) What does the biceps femoris do?
2) Where is the biceps brachii muscle located?
3) Which muscle moves the scapula cranially?
44 more questions to follow...
So.. how did your answers stack up?
1) Flexes the stifle
2) Cranial side of humerus
3) Trapezius
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