Thursday, February 20, 2020

Impressions from the Leonberger Pferdemarkt - and 'horse manure' in the coffee shop?

Despite all the activities regarding Mutti's move, I did manage to take a tour of the Leonberger Pferdemarkt, to be precise, the 329th one.

This time, though, I didn't make it into one of the 'Kellers' (cellars). During the day of the Pferdemarkt, some people open the cellars of their historic Fachwerkhaus (half-timbered house) and sell beer, wine, and sausages. As there is very little oxygen and everyone is tightly packed, so the mood gets 'festive' quickly. Ah, the fond memories of having to slip out of my office and go to the company's infirmary the next day due to a splitting headache ;-).

Rathaus (Mayor's office)

Sale horses, lined up according to size

'Leonberger Horse Manure' (chocolate cake)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Settling into life in Welly-World - and hoping for smooth sailing now

It's been busy since I've been back. First order of business upon my return was a visit to the dentist to get the cracked tooth fixed. The dental office was not what I expected, in fact, I was about to high tail out of there toute de suite. Roz had a good analogy, picture the retirement community from Seinfeld's parents in Boca... I was about 40 years younger and the only one without walker in the waiting room. Everything seemed to be a far cry from my dentist in MI (no high tech xray, no 3D in house crowns, no gas, and certainly no head phones, TV or massage chairs), but low and behold  it turned out the dentist was very nice and knowledgeable, as was his technician that did the temporary crown. We'll see in about two weeks how the final product will turn out.

Remy had made a ton of progress in the time I was gone, and he is really on a good path now (knock on wood!). Of course, he had to throw a shoe while playing in the paddock, but luckily he had an appointment anyway today. My 'proud mother's' chest swelled quite a bit (it can really use some swelling LOL) when James (the farrier) told me that Remy's feet are textbook healthy and solid - and James shoes the horses on the Olympic teams.

So now we have established a certain routine:
I get to the barn around 6:45 a.m., feed Remy and turn him out while I clean his stall. My lesson is at 8:30 a.m., and Remy gets turned out again after that. I clean tack etc., then he comes in for lunch. I'll try to grab some lunch also, and in the afternoon I either work on client horses or go to educational events. Late afternoon Remy gets hand-walked and grazed, then it's dinner for both of us. There is a very nice group of people at the barn, so sometimes we go out to dinner together. I watch some Netflix (stuck on BBC's Father Brown right now), and then do night check around 9 p.m.

Quite a workout pushing a full wheel-barrow up the ramp. Call me Popeye!
It's amazing how much time you can spend just taking care of one horse! At the barn only Savannah and I do self-care, the others use a stall-cleaning and feeding service. While that gives one more freedom, I do enjoy taking care of Remy (and I'm used to it anyway) - and I try to remember that JP wants Remy to have a fluffy bed!

Who needs Instagram followers when you can have real ones?

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mission accomplished - why is my suitcase always too small?

It's almost unbelievable: Mutti moved into her new appartment last night. Remy and I had a fun afternoon at Ikea, trying to find furniture that could tie Mutti over until her new furniture gets delivered in about four weeks. She is no fan of Ikea, but that's the best we could do as an interim solution. And actually, we found really cool things, especially the funky lamps.

So as a recap: Within a week Michael, Remy and I had packed Mutti's belongings, got the house ready for the estate people, got Mutti's new partment furnished and ready to move in, and finally accomplished the move - all that entirely on our own! Oh, and I straightened out the 2018 and 2019 tax situation, Michael dealt with the sale of the house and the the new apartment, and Remy manages the estate sale: "Team Bosch" in full force :-)

I could not have kept my sanity without the loving encouragement from JP, and the emotional support -and occasional shoulder to cry on- from Stephanie and also Harald. And having my "Schnucki-Apartment" was just the best! I could close the door an unwind completely.

During all this I've also managed a quick trip to Loesdau, my favorite tack store, scoring a pair of burgundy Pikeur pants in 10 minutes and on sale!

It's still stormy today but not as bad as last night. I'll visit Mutti, make a quick trip to the Pferdemarkt, drive to the airport, return the car, go to the hotel, have a beer, and look forward to getting back to Welly-World!

Monday, February 10, 2020

In the eye of a hurricane - and good news from the 'Winter-home'

Well, what else could happen beside the stress of moving, a broken tooth, Mutti bringing up a ton of disturbing memories about Emil, a stupid fight with Michael and Remy about a stuffed squirrel, a trip to the Black Forest that got cut short because of an approaching hurricane?

Happy days at Emil's Hunting Lodge
So now I am sitting in the eye of hurricane 'Sabine' (how telling that this is also my middle Name?), the house has been shaking all night, couldn't sleep despite being bone tired and two Tylenol PM. Schools are closed, public Transportation and planes are canceled.

I am supposed to go to Ikea with Remy today to get the missing pieces for the apartment, let's see how this will play out. The Pferdemarkt festivities tomorrow are questionnable, and I'm not sure what that means for my return trip Wednesday morning. We'll see ...

BTW, I know it can get confusing with the two Remys. Someone asked me yesterday why I would go with a horse to Ikea?? LOL

On the winter-home front Florida all is well, which is such a big relief! Roz and Gina are keeping me updated, and Dr. Lockamy emailed that he checked in on Remy while he was at the farm for another horse, and that Remy is doing great. That's a huge relief! Remy has started the Assureguard Gold regimen for gastric and hind gut health, lets see how he feels with this. I like that the product also contains Psyllium which helps clear the sand out of the system. Not something the Michigan horses have to worry about right now, they are stuck in the snow!

Gina sent me this with the note "Remy took a selfie" :-)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The boxes are packed - and looking forward to taking a step back in time

We've made great progress packing Mutti's belongings into boxes. It is hard for her, as there is considerable downsizing involved. What makes it even more difficult is that her new furniture is still four weeks out, so we have to find ways to make the new apartment appealing and 'livable'. Tomorrow Remy and I will go to Ikea to get some things for the interim.

I picked a few momentos that Stephanie will ship to me. My dad's diploma, a few Steiff-Tiere (plush animals), one is a Lion that is over 70 years old, a few books - that's it. I am focusing on the task at Hand - organizing and packing- so I haven't had time to really digest it all. At night I am "mausheh" (totally exhausted), and VERY grateful to have my retreat with Stephanie and Harald.

Today I am taking Mutti on a trip to the Black Forest while Michael and Remy move the boxes from the house to the apartment. Remy is in charge of the estate sale, or better, donation. He found someone that would take the hunting trophies for a museum. That is the best possible outcome, we didn't want to have to throw Emil's prized possessions in the dumpster, because there is no market for these things.

Emil's Office

Just a small selection -
Tuesday is the Leonberger Pferdemarkt, this year is the 329th year! Horses and ponies are still sold on the medieval market place, there is a Kraemermarkt (small stands lining the roads) where one can find anything from underwear to horse brushes. It was always one of the hightlights of my childhood and I am looking forward to taking a step back in time.
Announcement in the local paper
The word 'Sattelfescht' has two meanings: Being a good rider, and a (saddle) party :-)

Friday, February 7, 2020

Greetings from Germany - and Remy makes new friends

Travel from West Palm Beach to Atlanta to Stuttgart went ok. I was spoiled in that Kirsten took me to the Airport, and then WPB is such a nice, bright place. The gate agent pretty much told me his life Story, so I had to hustle to the plane. Atlanta airport, OTOH, is not my fave. It was the first time I flew ATL to STR, and I had an interesting guy sitting next to me. Ex-Military formerly stationed in Germany, now a Chef. I enjoy chatting with interesting people.

My "Schnucki-Apartment" was lovingly prepared by Stephanie and Harald, and Stephanie had made an appointment for me with Steffi for an amazing massage. I slept on her table most of the time. Good preparation for things that were to come!

So far, so good - "Operation Mutti Move" is progressing nicely. We packed all of her clothes yesterday, emptied lots of closets, sorted, and sorted some more. Last night Michael, Remy, and I had a nice dinner where we discussed the rest of the game plan. It's unfortunate that Mutti's furniture will be delivered a few weeks after she has moved, so we are doing some Interim furnishing. Remy and I are planning to hit Ikea on Monday (Mutti is NOT a fan of going to Ikea).

I am super relieved that I got the tax situation addressed this morning. 2018 and 2019 taxes are squared away, yay! Getting a life AND helpful Person on the phone on a Friday in Germany is almost unheard of in the "Service Wueste Deutschland" ("Service Desert Germany"- meaning good service is hard to get).

Unfortunately, I either lost a filling or broke part of a tooth last night. Crossing my fingers that I can manage until I get back to the States. I have no fond memories of German dentists, and on Weekends you have to go to the clinic, where 6 hour wait times or more are not uncommon. At least so far it doesn't hurt and it's a tooth in the back.

In the meantime Remy is doing well, Roz is happy with him, and Gina sends me daily updates and photos.

Remy and Claudio
 (Remy is very gentle with other animals, so curiosity will not kill the cat in this case)

Monday, February 3, 2020

It takes a village - and it reminds me of my former job

Tomorrow morning I'll fly to Germany: West Palm Beach to Atlanta, Atlanta to Stuttgart. Luckily Remy is fine now, but still it is quite the "operation" to get his care set up.

A day in the life of Remy while I'm gone:

- Herberth feeds, waters, and cleans stall
- Svannah turns him out
- Roz brings him in and rides him
- Gina takes him for a hand walk and graze in the afternoon, cleans the tack
- Herberth feeds, waters, and picks stall
- Savannah does night check

Reminds me of my former corporate job: When I left I got replaced by two men and part of my duties went to a third.

Randy took that snapshot today, it is such a nice group of people at her farm. I tried to keep Remy's head up for a second but he was annoyed that I kept him from the grass.
Especially notable is "Ferocious Farm Dog" Chewy
I'm pretty anxious how this "Operation Mutti Move" will play out. JP reminds me constantly to keep my cool (the man just knows me). Again, it takes a village, not just Michael and Remy, but also my friends to keep me sane: Ingrid, who promised to greet me at the airport with a Brezel (it's our tradition), Antje, who will make the journey to meet me despite her husband Axel being in very ill health, and of course, last but not least, Stephanie and Harald: Always my Retter in der Not (the White Knights).

Instead of a welcome mat I'll have a "welcome door"

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Things are looking up - food, food, where's my food??

Remy seems to have turned the corner, his temp has been normal, his digestion is working, and most importantly, his ferocious appetite is baaaack.

I still feel like a druggist, though, as I'm mixing his meds morning and night, which means crushing the ulcer pills with a pestle and mortar,  mix the powder with apple sauce, put the concoction in very large syringe and squirt it into his mouth, hoping he'll swallow. Same procedure again for the antibiotics.  The Gastroguard is already in a syringe, but it still needs to be squirted into his mouth, too. Luckily, Remy has been a good sport about this, and I have only been spit on very lightly.

But I'm just so relieved that things are looking up. Dr. L. gave the thumbs up for my trip to Germany, he feels that Remy is recovering well and the "worried mother" can leave. Then it will be the next hurdle to overcome: Dealing with our worried Mutti, but we will be three to tackle the job: Michael, Remy (the two-legged one) and I. Divide and conquer is our motto. And I'll have my 'Schnucki Apartment' all to myself chez Titz. That is definitely a highlight!

"Some days are better, some days are worse.
 Look for the blessing instead of the curse. 
Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest." 

Right now, I'm working on the "getting enough rest" part --

Our first excursion (before Remy got sick)
. On our left is Ariel on Dragon, on our right Sally on Boti