Friday, February 7, 2020

Greetings from Germany - and Remy makes new friends

Travel from West Palm Beach to Atlanta to Stuttgart went ok. I was spoiled in that Kirsten took me to the Airport, and then WPB is such a nice, bright place. The gate agent pretty much told me his life Story, so I had to hustle to the plane. Atlanta airport, OTOH, is not my fave. It was the first time I flew ATL to STR, and I had an interesting guy sitting next to me. Ex-Military formerly stationed in Germany, now a Chef. I enjoy chatting with interesting people.

My "Schnucki-Apartment" was lovingly prepared by Stephanie and Harald, and Stephanie had made an appointment for me with Steffi for an amazing massage. I slept on her table most of the time. Good preparation for things that were to come!

So far, so good - "Operation Mutti Move" is progressing nicely. We packed all of her clothes yesterday, emptied lots of closets, sorted, and sorted some more. Last night Michael, Remy, and I had a nice dinner where we discussed the rest of the game plan. It's unfortunate that Mutti's furniture will be delivered a few weeks after she has moved, so we are doing some Interim furnishing. Remy and I are planning to hit Ikea on Monday (Mutti is NOT a fan of going to Ikea).

I am super relieved that I got the tax situation addressed this morning. 2018 and 2019 taxes are squared away, yay! Getting a life AND helpful Person on the phone on a Friday in Germany is almost unheard of in the "Service Wueste Deutschland" ("Service Desert Germany"- meaning good service is hard to get).

Unfortunately, I either lost a filling or broke part of a tooth last night. Crossing my fingers that I can manage until I get back to the States. I have no fond memories of German dentists, and on Weekends you have to go to the clinic, where 6 hour wait times or more are not uncommon. At least so far it doesn't hurt and it's a tooth in the back.

In the meantime Remy is doing well, Roz is happy with him, and Gina sends me daily updates and photos.

Remy and Claudio
 (Remy is very gentle with other animals, so curiosity will not kill the cat in this case)

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