Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mission accomplished - why is my suitcase always too small?

It's almost unbelievable: Mutti moved into her new appartment last night. Remy and I had a fun afternoon at Ikea, trying to find furniture that could tie Mutti over until her new furniture gets delivered in about four weeks. She is no fan of Ikea, but that's the best we could do as an interim solution. And actually, we found really cool things, especially the funky lamps.

So as a recap: Within a week Michael, Remy and I had packed Mutti's belongings, got the house ready for the estate people, got Mutti's new partment furnished and ready to move in, and finally accomplished the move - all that entirely on our own! Oh, and I straightened out the 2018 and 2019 tax situation, Michael dealt with the sale of the house and the the new apartment, and Remy manages the estate sale: "Team Bosch" in full force :-)

I could not have kept my sanity without the loving encouragement from JP, and the emotional support -and occasional shoulder to cry on- from Stephanie and also Harald. And having my "Schnucki-Apartment" was just the best! I could close the door an unwind completely.

During all this I've also managed a quick trip to Loesdau, my favorite tack store, scoring a pair of burgundy Pikeur pants in 10 minutes and on sale!

It's still stormy today but not as bad as last night. I'll visit Mutti, make a quick trip to the Pferdemarkt, drive to the airport, return the car, go to the hotel, have a beer, and look forward to getting back to Welly-World!

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