Monday, February 3, 2020

It takes a village - and it reminds me of my former job

Tomorrow morning I'll fly to Germany: West Palm Beach to Atlanta, Atlanta to Stuttgart. Luckily Remy is fine now, but still it is quite the "operation" to get his care set up.

A day in the life of Remy while I'm gone:

- Herberth feeds, waters, and cleans stall
- Svannah turns him out
- Roz brings him in and rides him
- Gina takes him for a hand walk and graze in the afternoon, cleans the tack
- Herberth feeds, waters, and picks stall
- Savannah does night check

Reminds me of my former corporate job: When I left I got replaced by two men and part of my duties went to a third.

Randy took that snapshot today, it is such a nice group of people at her farm. I tried to keep Remy's head up for a second but he was annoyed that I kept him from the grass.
Especially notable is "Ferocious Farm Dog" Chewy
I'm pretty anxious how this "Operation Mutti Move" will play out. JP reminds me constantly to keep my cool (the man just knows me). Again, it takes a village, not just Michael and Remy, but also my friends to keep me sane: Ingrid, who promised to greet me at the airport with a Brezel (it's our tradition), Antje, who will make the journey to meet me despite her husband Axel being in very ill health, and of course, last but not least, Stephanie and Harald: Always my Retter in der Not (the White Knights).

Instead of a welcome mat I'll have a "welcome door"

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