Monday, February 10, 2020

In the eye of a hurricane - and good news from the 'Winter-home'

Well, what else could happen beside the stress of moving, a broken tooth, Mutti bringing up a ton of disturbing memories about Emil, a stupid fight with Michael and Remy about a stuffed squirrel, a trip to the Black Forest that got cut short because of an approaching hurricane?

Happy days at Emil's Hunting Lodge
So now I am sitting in the eye of hurricane 'Sabine' (how telling that this is also my middle Name?), the house has been shaking all night, couldn't sleep despite being bone tired and two Tylenol PM. Schools are closed, public Transportation and planes are canceled.

I am supposed to go to Ikea with Remy today to get the missing pieces for the apartment, let's see how this will play out. The Pferdemarkt festivities tomorrow are questionnable, and I'm not sure what that means for my return trip Wednesday morning. We'll see ...

BTW, I know it can get confusing with the two Remys. Someone asked me yesterday why I would go with a horse to Ikea?? LOL

On the winter-home front Florida all is well, which is such a big relief! Roz and Gina are keeping me updated, and Dr. Lockamy emailed that he checked in on Remy while he was at the farm for another horse, and that Remy is doing great. That's a huge relief! Remy has started the Assureguard Gold regimen for gastric and hind gut health, lets see how he feels with this. I like that the product also contains Psyllium which helps clear the sand out of the system. Not something the Michigan horses have to worry about right now, they are stuck in the snow!

Gina sent me this with the note "Remy took a selfie" :-)

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