Busy day today, it was time for the annual equine dental check up. Judy rode Remy in the morning instead of me having my lesson in the afternoon. Obviously, riding a drugged horse is NOT the thing to do.
Remy was working well, but again, I got treated to what could be if I would raise my standards. I just don't ask for that level of commitment (yet). It's how Judy puts it "wakey-wakey" - meaning Remy has to wake up and use his hind legs to power him forward. It got me to thinking about a blog I read some time ago, the professional trainer had the word "Grit" tattooed on her arm as motivation. Should I get "wakey-wakey" inked?? Nah - that just leaves room for way too many interpretations.
Lucky Remy got sedation for his dental work - I was about to ask Dr. DeWitt if she can take me on as a patient as my dentist only gives me Novocain. He might add Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) when I start to hit him. But then I looked at the size of her power tools and decided better not! It was interesting to see how Remy was constantly trying to look at me while he got worked on. His head was held up by a sling, his mouth was held open by a speculum, the power tools were grinding, Remy was drugged and still his eye was on me. Very sweet - and also a super way of guilting me into forking over some extra yummy treats.
Well, it worked - once done Remy got to enjoy slushy hay cubes. Perhaps I can talk my dentist into treating me to some gourmet melted chocolate (which will have the added bonus of future job security for him) instead of slushy hay cubes??
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