Sunday, January 21, 2018

"You need to watch the good, the bad and the ugly" - and learning about saddle fit

During my last lesson JP whipped out his phone and videoed us. I struggled quite a bit and got rather frustrated with myself. The concept of keeping Remy coming from behind, keeping him together and round while still giving in front sounds easy enough - unfortunately, only in theory for me. He either is behind my leg, or I'm holding too much in front, or we are not straight, or... Ugh! We did have some good moments and finished on a very good note, which is always the goal.

So Judy sent me home with the advise "you have to watch the good, the bad, and the ugly". Oh, Jude, I would prefer to see a nice, relaxing movie instead. Don't want to see myself in a 'Rotten Tomato' no star movie! But OK, I need to learn, and seeing my ride is a great tool. While Remy enjoys his R&R lounging around with Chambord at home I analyze my issues (at least for this I don't have to pay a shrink). On the "bad and ugly" side:  Outside leg too far back, Remy not enough from behind, my half-halts not coming through... oh, cr*p! On the "good" side: Nice canter work, some clean changes, good transitions, especially canter to halt on the centerline. Repeat after me: It is the journey, it is the journey, it is... Rome wasn't built in a day... etc. etc.  And hey, we finished on a good note!

To complement the Masterson training I had asked Luanne (certified Schleese saddle fitter and absolute expert anything saddle related)  if she would be willing to teach me about saddle fit. Not that I want to become a saddle fitter, but I want to be able to identify saddle issues so I can tell my future clients if the saddle is causing issues for their horses. Luanne came out yesterday to fit Remy's Triumph to Kathy's mare Lyra as Kathy is interested in the saddle. Luanne did a thorough analysis of Lyra and I learned a ton. I found it especially interesting that there is a spot close to the withers where the stallion bites the mare during mating so she won't move. Now imagine a saddle presses on that spot - of course the horse won't go forward. I am looking forward to learn more from Luanne after I am back from Tucson.

I told Luanne afterwards that while I have to miss Jochen's presentation at the Masterson conference I am very happy to be able to learn from her and joked "Who needs Jochen when you can have Luanne?" Luanne told me to better never say that to her boss...

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