Monday, January 29, 2018

Sunburned and bitten - but still a good day

The "happy vegan couple" lives up to the name. The morning started well with excellent coffee and the best oatmeal I ever had, courtesy of Georgie. A 45 minute drive took me to TROT, the therapeutic riding center in Tucson. I was relieved to meet an interesting group, both students and instructors. We are six students and had three instructors today.

What my fragile winter skin didn't appreciate was temps close to 80F with high winds - and the entire day spent outdoors. Yep, that's complaining on a high level ... while my fellow Michiganders are digging out of yet another snow storm.

We reviewed the basics and then the first part of the individual techniques and got to practice under the helpful watch of the instructors. Ringo, a 17 year old QH took exception to me putting my thumb on the roof of his mouth, moved his tongue around and took a chunk of the skin of my thumb off. Ouch! I was a bit embarrassed but later on one of the instructors confirmed  Ringo has sharp edges on some of his back teeth ... Whew - it wasn't just my (inadequate) technique that caused the mutilated thumb.

Tomorrow I'll tackle the training better prepared: With high octane sunscreen and plenty of bandages..

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