Monday, March 26, 2018

Corners - and Friends

Back to school today, not too cold but blustery winds rattling the trailer. Too bad I couldn't take Chambord as a counter balance in the trailer.  Alas, put Chambord in an indoor arena while the wind is howling and you'll get... a horse sized kite!

Remy was game, but eyed the large sliding door on the short side suspiciously. In high winds the door becomes 'animated'. So I started to cut our time in that area short, read: cutting corners, which of course is a no-no. Every good instructor, every riding manual stresses the importance of correct corners.

So, no surprise, Judy reminded me of my corners: "Corners are your friend". Well, yes, I agree, but they are more like the friend that sometimes causes mild irritation. Despite all the love they have a live of their own and might occasionally get on your nerves.

Hmm, so are we talking corners, friends, or husbands??

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