I'm always in 'rush hour' it seems, even it I have all the time in the world. Well, decades of running around multi-tasking will do that to you. I'm obviously not weaned off it yet. Case in point: My equine anatomy class. I have until August to complete it, but what do I do? I rush and get anxious that I'm not farther ahead already. Oh, yes, and I won't have to mention that anything below a score of 100% on the tests and fieldwork is disappointing.
At least in one area I am taking the "make haste slowly" to heart: Remy. The last few days we've scaled it down a notch, focusing on good transitions in all gaits. How well is he listening? The transitions have to be clear, prompt, and no 'in between steps' (meaning no trot steps if the task is canter - walk). It shows exactly where we are weak. Down transitions - I lighten my seat and Remy falls on the forehand: No-no. Walk to canter - I lean forward and Remy raises his head: No-no. Canter to walk -I am not precise and Remy either 'stutters' into the walk through the trot: No-no.
Remy is responding well to it, we are getting better self-carriage and we are learning to do the movements with precision instead of "let's get it over with". This of course will pay in the long term with tempis and all the other upper level work (I do hope so!).
As for the rest ... I am still making haste - but perhaps a bit more slowly, maybe, eventually I could even be relaxed?? JP says: Jamais (translation: not gonna happen!)
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