No, not literally - My head is NOT smoking, however, it's spinning a bit. I am working my way through the "
Equine Musculo-Skeletal Performance Anatomy Course" that is part of the Materson program. It is pretty intense, but super interesting and I am learning a ton. Just finished Module 3, Musculature Structure, Tendons and Ligaments. It's been a while - ok, a long time - since I was in college, but I can't recall ever having to take so many quizzes and tests. It definitely helps with my study habits, I guess the older you get the more serious you take studying (at least I do). Flashback to High School and the various "Blaue Briefe" ("blue letters" = letters from the school superintendent) threatening expulsion because I was quite the truant - mainly because I was bored. Boredom is no longer an issue!
My favorite book is 'Horse Anatomy for Performance' by Gillian Higgins with Stephanie Martin. It is a great reference for every rider and horseperson:
Yesterday I was helping Isabel and her young mare with some ground work in preparation of trailer loading and I caught myself giving way more (unsolicited) advice than necessary, i.e. noting from observing the back that the saddle needs to be checked; the mare is stiffer to the right, tense in her neck, etc. etc.
That definitely would have never ever happened after a math class - even though my head then was spinning a full 360 degrees!
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