While I visited an urban equestrian center with David (the founder of Detroit Horse Power) yesterday, Judy rode Remy. He didn't exactly get a stellar report card - quite the contrary. It included a major frowny face. JP immediately surmised that Remy was unhappy that he didn't get to come home this weekend. I think that's anthropomorphizing a bit, but who knows?
Today was a new day, but unfortunately, still a major struggle to get Remy to come to the party. He just wasn't in the mood, and while I think he has to make an effort I certainly won't beat him into it. It's a fine line to find the right motivation "come on, slacker, you can do it!" Perhaps he wants a different job, like more jumping? Or could it be the winter doldrums due to limited turn out, no grazing, no trail rides?
While I can't change the weather I can change my warm up routine, introducing canter earlier in the program to get Remy more forward and loose. It's worth a try. And then the weather forecast for the weekend is -so far- quite decent, so we might be able to swing a trail ride. At the very least, he can hang out with his BFF Chambord.
In the meantime, I am taking "Lessons with Margot". It's a book by Karen McGoldrick* I am currently reading. Great timing, here is an excerpt that fits to a T:
Each ride should not be given too much importance, at least until you are riding with your countries flag on your saddle pad. One needs to learn to "make haste slowly". The horse has no ambition, but only knows each day how they feel.
I am always overanalyzing things (yep, guilty as charged), so perhaps a tattoo that reads "Make haste slowly" might be in order? Remy says we better avoid that country flag on the saddle pad!
*Love the book! The subtitle is "Notes on Dressage from the author of the Dressage Chronicles". Deeds Publishing
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