Friday, March 2, 2018

Well, the view is stunning - however, I have another dream

We 'got socked' with another snowstorm, accumulating up to 9 inches of the nice and fluffy stuff. Here is the view we had this morning from the kitchen table. Pretty stunning!

Unfortunately, the downside was that one of our mature trees was uprooted by the heavy snow and fell - you guessed it - on a fence line. Didn't humor JP at all.

I was looking at the masses of snow accumulating on the roof, imagining them sliding off the indoor arena with a loud thud right when Remy and where cantering by. Not in the mood for a rodeo. We kept it short and easy, good walk work and done. Sometimes it's just better to err on the side of caution. (And sure enough, when I longed Remy afterwards so he could stretch his legs more I was indeed treated to an athletic display of his Airs above the Ground).

Just recently I read an excellent article by Dr. Marcella Becker, I highly recommend it: It's really right on.

I have a dream of another stunning view: Sunshine and green pastures... pretty please!!

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