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Aerial picture of WFEC |
This aerial picture shows the WFEC (White Fences Equestrian Center). What it doesn't depict is that it is also an arboretum with beautiful flora, blooming trees, orchids, etc.
I've marked the courtyard where Remy is stabled with the thick red line, and within it there is a dot for his stall and a line around his adjacent paddock. I leave the outside door open, and it seems Remy spends most of the night outside - evidenced by the copious manure piles I get to pick up in the morning.
Usually I think of Ingrid Klimke as a role model for riding and horsemanship. This time I think I do need more of the other Ingrid. She is my very good friend in Stuttgart, and my role model for tolerance when it comes to people. Ingrid has a knack for adapting to and getting along with all kinds of characters, even my super critical mother is smitten with her. Ingrid used to take Rotel*-tours through very remote areas like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, to name a few. For those of you that are not familiar with Rotel: It's a trailer pulled by a bus "Rolling Hotel = Rotel" that has sleeping compartments akin to caskets (my description). It is traveling in VERY close quarters with strangers. It requires way more tolerance than I could ever muster. Being a true friend Ingrid made it clear: "I would never take you on such a trip". She knows how tightly wound I can get when I don't have my space - let alone the huge issues I would have with "the smell of unwashed fellow travelers" (see below), even if I were one of them!
Rotel: Rolling Hotel, sleeping capsules in the trailer |
*From the Rotel description:
Capsule hotels are in vogue right now. German tour company, Rotel was always ahead of the game by providing capsule hotels on wheels since 1945. No matter how much you might enjoy staying in a five star hotel, you will always be stationary, trapped in one district. So, to feed your sense of novelty and adventure, you decide to book yourself on a Rotel bus. What next? Well, first you choose your tour from hundreds of options all around the world. If the wilds of Africa are not your thing, perhaps the vast planes of central Russia are. Or maybe the frozen wilderness of the Arctic will appeal or what about exotic Ecuador? On the bus, you ride in passenger seats during the day and sleep in 6x6x3ft capsules at night. There is a large kitchen on board for food but you may have to go a few days until you reach a shower as there is not one on the bus. But who could complain about the smell of unwashed passengers when you are waking up in a new and exciting location every day.