Sunday, February 3, 2019

Chipper after a long trip - and I might have to add to my shopping list

Remy arrived last night, chipper and happy to see me. Jan said he was a joy to have on board, but he talked quite a bit. The large semi stopped on the road leading to our barn within the White Fences complex, and I led Remy to his stall along a dark path. He was alert but quiet, and settled in nicely. He P+P'd (peed and pooped) right away and then attacked his hay with gusto - which allowed me to breathe and relax again. Colic and/or shipping fever are always risks - and especially on a trip that lasted 31 (!) hours. This included rest stops, but no unloading. I was very happy that I made the decision to ship Remy in a box stall. This allowed him to move a bit and most importantly, he was not tied and could lower his head thus having a lower risk for respiratory infections.

This morning I got up bright and early, Paulette greeted me in the kitchen with a smile and "alors, les vacances sont fini" which means vacation is over - I'm on horse duty again. Remy gobbled his breakfast while I did the room service. Wouldn't you know it, in the time it took me to go to the muck pile he had managed to open his half door to the outside and started frolicking with the horse that was turned out there. Luckily, Vivien, one of our nice fellow boarders, came to the rescue and knew instantly the way to his heart: Food!
Remy's "Room with two views"

Great, the big pasture was empty, perfect to turn Remy out there - or so I thought. He proceeded immediately to run around like a mad man, legs flailing, tail in the air, breaking any speed limit. I caught the bad boy and Vivien offered to walk her horse with us. All went well, until I noticed Remy was bleeding from his coronet band on the outside of the left hind. Sh*t!! Everyone warned me that even small wounds in Florida can develop quickly into serious problems. Cleaning, antibiotic ointment and wrapping were next.

During the day I tried several times to turn him out again but with the same result. Good thing the paddock attached to his stall is free after mid morning (the owner of the horse sharing it doesn't want him out so much), so at least Remy has the option to move around. If Remy continues like that I not only have to find decent hay that doesn't come with an exorbitant price tag (my job tomorrow) - I might also have to put a rodeo cowboy on my shopping list!

Ready for more mischief?

BTW, we left Michigan in -8F real temp (-40F wind chill) to find 85F in Florida. And yes, I don't even need to wear a sign that says "Snow bird" - a nice lady at the Loxahatchee ice cream parlor called me a "very white German".. and she indeed meant my skin color because she proceeded to recommend I buy SPF100 (does that exist?) sun block.

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