Tuesday, February 5, 2019

We have a Bromance - and first ride under palm trees

Remy has settled in nicely and he and his stall neighbor Bodhi have really hit it off. They share the turnout paddock that is accessible from their stalls but go out individually (that's the idea at least, Remy thinks it's not so much fun). So when one is outside the other one sticks his head in and they groom each other. Sally, Bodhi's owner, was a bit worried (rightfully so) that some mane might have to pay the price for the Bromance (by being chewed off)- and Bodhi has the beautiful mane inherent to his Andalusian breed. Bodhi is on restricted turnout, so Remy is the lucky one. He can come and go from 10 a.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning.

"I scratch you and you scratch me" (The beautiful butt belongs to Remy)
Well, today was the day: First ride under palm trees! And actually the first ride in quite a long time. Remy was very good on the longe line, and I took a deep breath and got on. We headed into one of the competition rings and kept it fun and easy. It is so cool at White Fences, we can use the beautiful show arenas for training, in addition to the warm up arenas and round pen. The footing is the same in all the arenas and it is excellent and very well maintained. The setting is truly beautiful, Adam, the owner, is a gardener and there are lush plants everywhere.

First ride under palm trees - how did I get so lucky??

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