Wednesday, February 6, 2019

It was worth skipping the big birthday for this - and "You are not the guy I wanted to hit today"

Today is Emil's big 90th birthday. JP and I initially had planned to be in Germany for the celebrations. However, both of us leaving the farm in the dead of a Michigan winter is almost impossible. Just think 'Polar Vortex' - no farm sitter would want to do the work in these conditions - and if they wanted to we would be worried sick about the animals anyway.

My parents weren't to keen on the usual big production celebration anyway and decided to vacation in the Black Forest instead. That didn't mean I was off the hook though: While my dad was very encouraging about the Florida trip "Do it and enjoy it, life is short!" (his motto in life)  my mother was heavily laying on the guilt trip, not just due to the birthday (actually, she told all her friends the party was canceled as I wasn't coming....) but also because I was leaving JP for a couple of months. She always felt sorry for him when I went on extended business trips, but now I travel to have FUN?!? Shocking and so not what a 'good wife' is supposed to be doing.

So here I am, riding Remy on this beautiful sunny day with a light breeze in an arena lined with palm trees. Obviously both of us are a bit rusty after about two weeks off. Roz worked with us a lot on lateral work to get Remy better on the aids and also quicker off my leg. Remy was feeling nice and supple, not bothered at all, and I was just enjoying the ride - thinking "Yes, it was worth it!" And I don't have to feel guilty: My  dad is happy that I promised to make up the trip to Germany in June.  Win-Win!

My eating habits here are not the greatest, and my meals consist either of PB&J, muesli with yoghurt, or salad. I do have a soft spot for the Loxahatchee ice cream parlor, a small cone equals lunch. After all, there is milk in it, and milk is nourishing! So off I went to get some much needed sustenance, squeezed my car in a tight parking spot next to the sheriff's vehicle, opened the door with my usual gusto and just managed to stop it from hitting the sheriff carrying his sandwich. I grinned at him and said "you are not the guy I wanted to hit today" - to which he dead panned "I hope you are not hitting any guy today!".

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