Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Shopping, "Durchhaenger", Panel Discussion - and what size socks does Remy wear??

Yesterday we all had a day off, and Roz invited me to come with her to the Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall in Sunrise to visit the Ariat Store. Wow, talk about an Outlet Mall! I am no expert, but this must be one of the largest malls around. We were quite good at locating the store, not an easy feat in this maze. As luck would have it I found a perfect pair of Jeans (and no, JP, a girl can NEVER have too many Jeans), and a shirt. Unfortunately -or fortunately for my CC- most of the sizes were either XS or XL. Roz found some things, too, and we fortified ourselves with lunch afterwards. It was a truly enjoyable outing.

After getting back from taking care of Remy that night I had a bit of a "Durchhaenger" - also known as "Having The Blues" (to be off form). No specific reason, but I think the change of climate, added physical exertion, and primarily not being used to living with strangers caught up with me. I guess I'm a bit homesick. I do miss JP, all the critters, and having my space.  There were houseguests in the last couple of days, I didn't want to get in the way, and it felt a bit awkward. A Tylenol PM took care of it and today was a new day.

Roz had me start Remy with long lining, and we are getting the hang of it. It is really cool! I no longer (OK, most of the time) make spaghetti balls out of the lines and I am positioning myself better (towards his hindquarters). This carried over into our riding session, we focused on the half-passes where Remy has a way of 'tricking' me out - meaning going for "yeah, yeah, it's good enough!" Gotcha, buddy!

Lunch time brought another interesting panel discussion and a delicious lunch, "Key Factors for Developing the Equine Athlete - More Than Just Good Riding". I'll post my notes tonight or tomorrow. It was held at the PIEC (Palm Beach Equestrian Center, also known as "WEG). That is where the Hunter/Jumper action takes place.
Cool artwork at the PBIEC entrance

Horses of all colors

Now I'm off to buy socks for Remy. Yep, he needs socks. I've been warned that pesky little skin wounds can develop into something serious and scary in no time. Sure enough, Remy has one spot on his fetlock that just won't heal, despite all kinds of different potions and lotions, and making sure the flies don't get on it. I noted that K., Vivian's horse, was wearing what looked like stockings, and the reason is to keep ointment on and the flies off. Roz recommended buying socks, and putting them on. The advantage is that there is no worry about bandages being too tight or coming off during the night.

So, the question is: What size socks does Remy wear??

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