Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Salute to the coaches at the shows - and what can I borrow next time??

After the WFEC show I came across this post on FB, and thought it was just so right on:

Not only that, but Roz actually pulled her own belt off her breeches and handed it to me because mine didn't work! 

Like part of the wedding saying* … something borrowed (her belt)… something blue (my socks). It worked well, so I'm wondering: What can I borrow next time??

*The full saying is "Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe," and it first appeared in print in 1883. American brides often leave off the last part of the saying, gathering only the first four items. Ideas for Something Old Something old symbolizes the bride's family, her past, and tradition.

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