Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Remy encounters his first alligator - and I the rich and famous (?)

Our second hack with Vivian and Kieran was another fun outing. Remy was marching right up, and I could feel him become more and more confident. Last time he was pretty happy to be behind Kieran, this time he had no qualms being next him. The paths go along the canals, and wouldn't you know it, just as we were strolling by an Alligator decided to take a splash. That startled Remy a bit, he did a 180 but then stopped and relaxed. This is Florida, buddy, just think of them as their version of our ubiquitous deer. (Yeah, you don't have to tell me that the deer at home won't eat you, but I promise, you are too big for these Gators!).

In the afternoon Jota gave me the insider tour of Palm Beach. I honestly can say I have never seen so many Ferraris, Rolls, Maseratis, Bentleys, etc. in one place. But as Jota and I agreed, money does not buy you taste - we were looking at a baby blue Rolls at that time. The town is fascinating to visit, and off the famous Worth Avenue with all the expensive stores (think Ferragamo, Chanel, Escada, to name just a few) are many small alleys that are beautifully maintained and decorated. They definitely were going for the 'Tuscan Theme'. 

It was a hot day and true to the theme we found an excellent place for Gelato. 

Water fountains in almost every alley
Court yard in Palm Beach

The 'Tuscan theme' 

Jota: Diplomat cum 'tour guide' extraordinaire

Orchids thriving in the alley

Meanwhile at home:

Ziggy and Jaas thriving in the snow under JPs loving care

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