Sunday, January 19, 2020

And so the adventure begins - a bit delayed and with some sniffles

I finally hit the road late morning today, the snow was letting up and it was time to hit the road. For some strange reason I am way more emotional this year about leaving then last year. It's been really tough to say good bye to everyone at home for more than two months. I admit to some sniffles.

The sniffles went to full blown tears while driving when the classic radio station played "I did it my way" -  this is what described Emil to a 'T' and I used it for his eulogy. It's hard to fathom that in a few weeks we will have to dispose of all of his things.

No worries, I pulled myself together, and am now sitting fairly relaxed in a hotel room in Lexington, KY. Surprisingly, it didn't get much warmer driving South, with snow bursts and temps in the low teens all the way through. It should get better on the next leg, tomorrow it's onto Valdosta, Georgia. Crossing my fingers that the traffic through Atlanta will be a bit kinder due to the MLK holiday.

Just received an email from the shipper that Remy's take off date has been pulled ahead, he will be leaving tomorrow. So I'll just barely make it before him - the truck drives through, and Remy has his rolling hotel room in the form of a box stall.

JP and Ed (our friend and neighbor) are on stand by, armed with all of Remy's clothes and gear. I can't say often enough how much I appreciate JP (yes, I see the eye roll) and the support of our friends.

And fittingly, today a FB memory popped up from 2012:

One of my all time favorite photos! Just look at the tenderness.

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