Saturday, January 4, 2020

And we have a take-off date - now it's high time to get ready

Funny how things can go from absolute "this sucks" to "yay, that works" within a day. Yesterday was such a day.  I called the shipper we used last year to see where things stand. Lots of texts and messages hadn't given me any updates, other than "there is nothing scheduled yet". I was quite surprised when I learned on the call yesterday that they had a load going mid January, but it was full. WTH?? I had specifically asked to let me know about availability mid/late January. Fume was coming out of my ears!

Luckily the other two companies that were recommended to me responded quickly with quotes, and I chose a shipper from Canada that makes weekly non-stop trips. Should you chose a company because you like the name and it makes you think of race cars? Probably not! I made sure that I had the recommendations seconded by Roz, and stellar reviews (given by people listing their full name) did the rest.

So, take-off for Remy is January 21. I will leave on the 18th, to see to his fluffy bed and all the other accoutrements on arrival. Now I am frantically going through my ample to-do lists, and am not surprised that Remy has more items than I. After all, I can skip my mani-pedi, Remy not so much!

And to top it off, tomorrow is my CPL class. I am a bit hesitant, I have to admit. I felt pretty brave signing up, and then it was too late to change, especially as Angie is coming also. Ed, the owner of the gun range, has been super nice and supportive and recommended the right pistol for the class. Unfortunately, Emil's small Astra doesn't cut it, so I will try a S&W .380. At least I already know the difference between a .380 and a 9mm, who would have thought?

JP is -as always- very good at giving me a kick in the pants, be it traveling to Florida, taking Remy to his jumping lesson, or handling a pistol. So I am hitching my big girl pants up and get going. Luckily I have several pounds of German chocolate and Nutella from Stephanie 'in petto', my nerves will have ample sustenance!

Gotta go with old Sir Winston:

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. - Winston Churchill.

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