Friday, January 24, 2020

Settling in - and "you must be a Floridian"

It's amazing how well Remy is doing after the 42 hour journey. Kudos to the Ecclestone team, especially Ali, who took such good care of him. Remy is settling into his new routine nicely, enjoying the turnout and no work. Due to the downpour last night it looks like he is off the hook for one more day, but I'll be hand walking him down the road this afternoon.

"Hey, I don't have to root under snow and ice!"
Yesterday was "Lunch and Learn", but the topic on Lameness exams did not reveal anything new. It was fun though to catch up with Paulette, and see a few familiar faces from last year.

Last night I had my first Mojito at a Cuban restaurant where Roz, Sally, Ariel and I went to dinner. It was great, and I could have easily appreciated the (free!) second one if I didn't have to drive.

Aimee, my landlady, is very nice, and definitely an animal lover.

Pig Newton enjoying a pool side snack
I'm looking forward to seeing her in a polo match! I was happy to meet her boarders Iris and Gloria, a mother/daughter team that had their horses flown in from Vancouver. Turns out Iris, the mother, is originally from Germany, and so I got to practice my -somewhat rusty- German.

Funny today was when the physical therapist was here for Randy's (Remy's landlady) mom. He looked at me in my down vest and said "you must be a Floridian" - because native Floridians bundle up when temps are in the 60sF as opposed to the shorts, flip flop, and tank top wearing Northeners.
Guess this Northener is in her heart a Floridian!

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