Saturday, January 18, 2020

History repeats itself - when it comes to my travel dates

Same story as last year - snow storm in Michigan the day I had planned to leave. I had to push it back then and I had to push it back now. Weather was fine until yesterday evening, and wham, here comes the snow.

Remy is still scheduled to ship on Tuesday. He got a beautiful hair cut (clip) on Thursday from Alex, and now he is swaddled in layers of blankets. Yesterday he got a pedicure and new shoes, the boy is ready to dance!

While I also had a mani-pedi (rather infrequent occurrence for me), I'm a nervous wreck and not in a mood to dance. How can I stuff everything in my GTI?? Remy has his humongous rolling tote (could have fit Carlos Ghosn in there), and a smaller rolling box, they both go with him on the truck. But still... I also have to pack for Germany, which means adding winter boots to the Florida shorts. And then show clothes, 'normal' riding clothes (color coordinated, of course - I see Roz chuckle), nice things in case I get to go out, shoes, bags, laptop, work things... the list seems endless.

Deep breath! - or so JP tells me. He is really pushing me out of the nest, so to speak. I have been wavering about this trip, mainly because he has to fend for himself and the animals for over two months in the Michigan winter. While JP is perfectly capable of doing this, of course, it still makes me feel guilty. In addition, the "Mutti Move" is hanging over us. Michael (my brother) carries the brunt, and I don't want to leave him, Remy (my nephew), and Mutti with everything there is to do. The house goes to the new owner on March 1, and Mutti has to move way before that so she is not there when we have to discard a lot of things that were precious to her. Not easy and definitely not fun.

I texted Roz that JP said he pushes me to go to Florida for the privilege of training with her - and here I thought he had a girl friend waiting in the wings.
 (Well, one does not preclude the other ;-) but I sure hope it does!)

Could be the Michigan theme song -

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