What a relief: Remy is sound, happy to work, and was a really good boy on the longe line and under saddle. It seems, though, that the days of 'make do' by using Saumur's dressage saddle and a pad with shims might have to come to an end. At least I have the jumping saddle that will be adjusted for Remy in two weeks when the saddle fitter comes.
Saumur got to go in Remy's snaffle bridle today (which actually was his bridle before) and he was awesome. We did shoulder in, haunches in, canter work, flying changes (!) all in the snaffle. I was thrilled.
However, it is obvious that one of us has to lose weight. The good news is, it's not me. The bad news (for Saumur) is it's him. The lush pastures have done a number on his figure and I noticed not only the portly belly but also fat deposits near his tail. Saumur only gets two pounds of ProAdvantage (a vitamin/mineral supplement) twice a day. It's not merely a 'looks' issue, more importantly it's a health issue - I'm afraid he might founder. So, either he has to move to a pasture with less grass or stay in part of the day. Weight Watchers for horses anyone?
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