What a nice Easter weekend! There is one advantage of not having family on the same continent - one does not have to feel guilty about spending ALL the time at the barn. While I was playing with the boys JP re-structured our barn to build the stall for our soon to be family member, Chip the pony.
Another eye-opener during my lesson with Saumur: Sandy asked me to change my hip angle. First I wasn't sure what to do with this, and she said she didn't really know why this came to her mind, Usually Sandy tries to correct my still (!) slightly Hunt Seat by asking me to shift more weight onto my seat bones and to put my shoulder blades together. But low and behold, as I wiggled around to see how I could change my hip angle something happened: Lifting the front of my pelvis shifted my weight back and down into my seat bones, which in turn got Saumur to lift his forehand, and he felt really light and up.
Unfortunately, it looks like Remy overdid it a bit, either on Friday or during one of his many 'run and play' episodes with his buddies in the pasture. It seems his left stifle is bothering him. There is no heat or swelling, nor are there any other outside signs of injury, but Remy is reluctant to put the leg under him. This is a fairly common growing pain for young horses, but still, I'm quite worried. Research recommends trail riding, hill work, cavaletti work, trotting straight lines, and no tight circles. That's what we shall do. Too bad that I have to leave this week for Europe, otherwise Remy and I could have hit the trails.
Interestingly, my left leg is much better and I no longer have the searing pain from the hip down my leg. I sure hope I didn't pass it on to Remy!
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