I am so grateful for my support system: while I was gone Sandy and JP took care of the boys and kept me updated. On Monday, Sandy gave Saumur his first shot of Adequan, and it went well. That was great news from "Mr. Needle Phobia", and it shows how he trusts Sandy.
Dr. Weaver, the Vet specializing in Chiropractic, worked on Remy and Saumur on Tuesday. Sandy was there for the treatment and emailed me his comments. Remy's sacrum was 'out' on the right side, which caused the pain. Dr. Weaver explained that this is common in young, growing horses, especially during the phase where the hind end is higher than the front. Saumur's diagnosis was that he was really tight and down in his shoulders, and his right lower neck was 'out'.
As Remy is on limited turnout, JP hand walked him. Of course, the little stinker (Remy - not JP!) had to question the 'authority' and got away from JP, leading a merry chase. Luckily it was in a fenced area.
While I was gone JP also re-organized our barn and built the cutest stall for Mr. Chip. The little guy will hopefully love his new digs when he comes to live with us.
Regarding the upcoming Young Horse Clinic I was fortunate that Linda Wanstreet, the organizer, had a wait list, and she already reimbursed my fees. That was great news, and I appreciated her professionalism very much. I'm looking forward to auditing, and of course, seeing Sandy and Doc's lesson.
While on the plane I read an article in the International Herald Tribune about working mothers that travel a lot and how important it is for them to have an excellent support system. While the boys are not exactly my children (some people might beg to differ) there are a lot of similarities. I could not function as well without my outstanding child- uh horse-care support system!
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