Finally - a day off! And what better way to spend it than with the boys at the barn?
Saumur is feeling like his old self again, his 'partial vacation' of low key work combined with the chiropractic adjustment and start of Adequan certainly helped. Sandy focused the lesson on the transitions, and she insisted that I really use my abs/core muscles. We did a ton of transitions in and out of the gaits as well as within the gaits. For moments we came darn close to half-steps! After the lesson Saumur got his second shot of Adequan, Sandy did the deed while I was feeding him treats. It was over before he could even worry about it.
I also put Chambord through is paces, again focusing on transitions and using my core muscles. He is such a little 'trotting machine', it's amazing how fun it is. His canter also is making good progress.
Finally I picked a rather reluctant Remy out of the pasture. He was playing with Nike, and of course, all I could think about was "Watch your leg, Kid!" He looked absolutely sound, and when I observed him on the longe line I couldn't detect anything either. We finished by trotting in hand, which sure is a great work out for me.
All that work on my abs and fitness sure made me thirsty enough to wish for a six-pack to drink. However, staying with the 'lean and mean' theme the six-pack got reduced to a lone Coronita and plenty of water.
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