The lesson with Remy was more of a struggle, I have a hard time keeping him in front of my leg going forward. After 30 min. of “forward – more forward – more forward - more round” I was quite frustrated. Also the saddle I have on trial seems to put me behind the movement. (Luanne is coming back this week to check/fix).
By the time I had everybody home again over six hours had elapsed and I was pretty exhausted, mentally more than physically. It bothers me probably more than the average person when things don’t go well, and I am over-analyzing everything.
Sunday morning I completely overslept (probably ‘thanks’ to the Motrin-PM I took). Luckily JP got up early and took care of everybody – on his birthday! Once I crawled groggily out of bed it was too late to hit the road again for lessons. I rode Remy in our outdoor arena, and after some initial ‘discussions’ we finished on a very good note. Then JP and I took Chambord and Saumur on a trailride, and the four of us had a lovely time in the woods. The evening finished with a great birthday dinner at JPs favorite restaurant, which provided me with ‘lingering effects’ in form of a headache caused by white wine and champagne. Not exactly the desired ROI (Return on Investment)!