Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A different kind of teamwork - let's go to the other side

We are truly fortunate to have great neighbors and not only in the spirit of “great fences make great neighbors” everybody is taking interest in our fence project. It’s been rather slow going, at least for my taste. I’m right in line with the song from Queen: “I want it, I want it all, and I want it NOW!”.

Today I checked in with Gabriele and Virgil, our neighbors downhill, to see if the work crew showed up. They seem to rove between different projects, which needless to say is not conducive to fast progress. It makes me nervous, as the boys sure are not happy being confined in a small area (which a lot of horses would still consider very large!).

Sure enough Gabriele told me that she watched Remy and Chambord tag-teaming on the old fence. She said it looked like the guys made an agreement, and then both of them leaned next to each other on the fence, pushing on it to see if it would give in. Luckily so far the fence has been holding up, but I wonder for how much longer it will last? I told Gabriele to call me if she has three and a half visitors (or 16 hooves) knocking at her door!

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