Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The best compliment: "He is a normal horse"

I was a bit apprehensive about our initial lessons with Judy; she also knew about the accident Sandy and Saumur had. In addition, I sensed the unspoken question “Why Morgans?”

Saumur was first to go. We went to the outdoor arena and I gave Judy a quick synopsis of Saumur’s past and present. Aside from a small hop Saumur was fine, no spooks. I kept the warm up low key. Then Judy asked if she could get on Saumur. They both looked great together. I could see that she rode him on a much softer contact that I usually do. After Judy got off she pronounced him “a normal horse”! Yay! I felt relieved and also very happy –all those years, trying make Saumur a ‘normal’ horse…

Remy, the social butterfly, was very interested in his surroundings and all the horses adjacent to the outdoor arena. It was a bit of a challenge to keep his attention, but overall he put in a good effort. Remy even kept it together when some of the horses started to run and play. Prudently, though, I skipped the canter while the fun was going on.

As we talked afterwards we commented on the interesting facts of Judy going to Germany to buy German Warmbloods - and me in America having American Morgan Horses… and let’s not forget the French guy with his American Quarter Horse.  And we agreed that it works for all of us!

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