Friday, September 7, 2012

Having fun - worrying innocent bystanders

Saumur got me thinking of the rather silly song Isabel Werth used for her freestyle “Ein bisschen Spass muss sein”.

By the time I came home from work I was thoroughly exhausted and decided to rather longe the boys than ride. Saumur is very good on the longe line, I only use a cavasson (no bit, surcingle etc). Saumur started out nice and relaxed. All of a sudden he went down, grinding himself into the sand, rolling over and over, loudly groaning. Just as some people came by – of course they wanted to know what was wrong with the “poor horse”, that looked like it was in agony.

Well … absolutely nothing. It wasn’t agony – it was ecstasy! Saumur simply had decided it was time for a good roll, one of his favorite things to do (never mind he didn’t need to wait to be on the longe line, he had all day in the pasture to do that).

So going back to the song: Translated it means “You have to have a little fun”!

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