Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Looking at 'naked' pastures - and a good start for JP and Chambord

Where have all the fences gone? Or, more importantly: When will the new fences come??

Looking out of the window, I see only green… most of the old fences are all but gone. There is only a small area left where the boys are turned out. It looks decidedly strange! The old fence posts are laying in piles, the boards have already been picked up. Now of course I worry about how long it will take until the new fencing is installed! So far we haven’t had the best of luck in terms of communication with the fence company. Good thing I don’t have the habit of biting my nails, otherwise they’d be chewed to the quick by now.

JP and Chambord had their first lesson with Judy yesterday, and came home very happy – which in turn made me happy. After all, the five of us are more or less a ‘package deal’ :-) To stay with the motto of the musketeers: One for all - all for one!

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