Monday, September 3, 2012

One Equine Social Butterfly - and one Intellectual

What a fantastic weekend - and and holiday weekend to boot! Just perfect weather, sunny, warm,  with the early morning crispness that tells you fall is almost around the corner.

On Saturday Saumur and Remy got to go for a visit at a different barn - part of my 'exposure to new things' program. Two very different goals though: For Saumur it is to overcome his shyness, for Remy to keep his focus. Remy's talking to friends (whinnying) and his need to socialize unfortunately do not help produce good tests at the shows. Both were very good, Saumur only had one tiny shy.

Remy also kept his focus, even when horses in the adjoining paddocks were running. Taking him by other horses, though, is quite funny. It goes like "Hi, my name is Remy - what's yours?". I can see him being the center of attention at any party, the good looking guy who easily makes conversation with just about anybody, and who is quite the player. Saumur is the shy one, but once drawn into a conversation he will attract an audience with his intellect.

Yesterday we had a just lovely trailride with Chambord and Saumur. And to the earlier point, Saumur is now so confident that he stays right up with Chambord, and when Chambord comes too close Saumur bares his teeth and threatens him.  Brains, Beauty and Brawn - Go Saumur!

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