Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Changes - and a new chapter

Labor Day was a reminder that fall is just around the corner, with winter looming behind (yikes). In addition to spending quality time with the boys (two and four-legged) the long weekend also gave me time to finalize a rather big decision.

I had been pondering the situation about what to do for quite some time. One trip from work to Sandy’s and home it’s a whopping 113 miles (181 km)! With two horses I would have to make the journey at least four times a week. Even with the best intentions, that’s just too daunting. Or – as some of my friends and family say – "plain nuts" (especially considering my work and travel schedule). Previously it was feasible because I only had Saumur that needed serious work, and Sandy was riding him also.

I will always be grateful to Sandy for all her help and support, she was instrumental to our success over the last years. Unfortunately, things have changed and we need to adapt to the circumstances.  
So, what’s next?

I have decided to work with a very experienced and highly recommended professional, Judy Kelly. Judy’s farm, Topline, is much closer to home; and on a personal level I think we will work well together. A new chapter … still onward and upward we go!

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