Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Almost totally 'verregnet' - but making the best of it

Well, the weather forecast was off today. I woke up to heavy -unpredicted- rain. Although I was tempted to turn around for a bit more sleep I dragged myself out of bed. Even the piggies were quiet today. Usually they throw themselves against the glass door (Aimee had to fortify it with Plexiglas) and scream for breakfast. Herbie's team feeds the horses early, around 6:30 am, so if I'm late Remy is the only one not eating, and that's so not fair (he says) - out in the rain I went.

Once Remy was taken care of I headed back to the house to catch up on scheduling client appointments, paperwork, my blog, and I was happy to have two long phone chats, one with Michael, one with Stephanie. That brightened the dreary morning immensely!

Fortunately, my Michigan clients seem eager to have me back, and I am looking forward to seeing them again and working on their horses. My April schedule is getting pretty full, which is awesome. Speaking of clients, I gave an "Equine Bodywork for Riders" workshop here and that was a ton of fun. I really love teaching the riders what they can do to help their horses. It's also a great bonding experience.
Equine Bodywork for Riders at Halvorsrod Farm
Back to today: Once the weather cleared up, a look at the arena confirmed that riding in it was not in the cards today - rather more suitable for swimming. So Remy got a bodywork session, followed by some 'beautification' (mane and tail trimming), and then we ventured out into the neighborhood. I put his double bridle on, not for control, but so he wears it when we go for a relaxed stroll and it's not associated with work.

We had a fun. Remy seemed happy to be out and explore, and there are many spooky things to gawk at. By now he is used to horses that look like ghosts (covered head to toe in fly gear), piles of palm branches on the curb, trash collectors hanging off the rear of the truck, plastic shavings bags floating down the road, to name a few things. Remy's all time favorte is the visit to the donkeys. Yes, there are two miniature donkeys in the neighborhood - the cutest things ever. They call (bray) when they see Remy - and he makes a beeline for them. Perhaps there might be some donkeys in our future? But wait, I think we are already all set in that respect! :-)

"Be though the rainbow in the storms of life, the evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray"
 - Lord Byron

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