Tuesday, March 3, 2020

"Oh, you are riding on location today" - and pass the pizza, please

Thank you, Ingrid, for worrying about me due to lag of blog posts recently. It's mostly due to lack of opportunity, writing that is. Aimee, my landlady, has been very sick with the flu for over a week now, so I try to avoid the common areas in the house as much as possible. My bedroom doesn't have a desk, and I don't like writing sitting on the bed.

Remy is doing well, aside from a bloody scratch he got on his foot today. Rolling in the sand does have its downfalls (no pun intended). Nothing major, but I learned from last year to skip the ointment and put wound spray on instead.

I am also fine, but amazed on how much time you can spend on taking care of just one horse. Yesterday I 'escaped' the barn for a few hours and went to the beach. It was windy and cool, perfect for a long walk which I thoroughly enjoyed. What I didn't consider was that my snowy white legs hadn't seen any sunshine since last year. Let's just say the snowy white turned into a darker shade of red...

Remy has been working quite well, knock on wood. I feel confident enough to put my big toes into the show arena again. Today Randy hauled us to White Fences for a schooling session. As Sally said, we were "riding on location". It was so nice to be back in the lovely arenas within an arboretum. All was well until it was time to go home and Remy decided that he'd rather not board the bus. A few discussions, and we were on our way home.

Karina had to practice giving a speech for school, and the barn crew was a willing audience - and not just because her mom offered us pizza afterwards. We were sitting in the aisle way, chatting along, with Remy trying his cutest faces begging for food. He has some successes under his belt, like the other day when I came to feed and Remy was already happily munching. Turns out he charmed Herbie into feeding him - "I had to feed him, he looked so hungry".  Tonight Remy scored quite a bit of pizza crust from various people - he stopped just shy of asking for a glass of red to go with it :-)

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