Thursday, March 26, 2020

Last ride of the Florida season - and supplies for various needs

It's Randy's birthday today, but with the lockdown we couldn't do any kind of celebration.  Even the gifts were handed over with great care and outstretched arms. Roz brought some delicious cheese Danishes from a real NY Bagel store, and we ate them while keeping our distance.

Happy (Medicare) Birthday, Randy! It was a pleasure getting to know you and staying at Halvorsrod Farm!

Roz. Boti, Remy and I finished the Florida riding season with a lovely and long trail ride. All four of us had fun, and the boys were clearly happy to march along.

Boti makes Remy look quite svelte
Tomorrow is packing day, we have to get three horses packed. Boti being the one with 'the mostest' of stuff. Sally left on a private plane, in hindsight some of his boxes certainly could have found a space on it?  Honestly, Remy's luggage is quite extensive also, and then we have six bales of hay for the three horses. We'll manage!

Speaking of luggage: I have to pack my stuff up also, and as my room is rather small I can't really spread things out. I have winter clothes, summer clothes, riding clothes, show clothes... you get the drift. Plus shoes, bags, books, etc. etc. Add to that the supplies that are now crucial: Sanitizer, latex gloves, TP, water,  provisions.

Meanwhile, at home: Angie is keeping the cookie monster well supplied :-)

Not this one:

The Original Cookie Monster
This one:

The French version

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