Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Back on the blogging track - and the clock is ticking

I'm back in typing mode, no longer 'hiding' in my room. Aimee luckily is over the flu. She really was hit hard, and I am more than happy that I am fine (knock on wood). Perhaps all that Zicam and Aerborne did help afterall, even if it was just wishful thinking.

Last weekend Brenda came to visit from Michigan. It didn't start out so well, as we hadn't considered the 'Fearless Leader' coming to town which meant road closures, vehicle checks, etc. Ugh. It took seemingly forever to get into Palm Beach, and once there I had an ice cream that didn't sit well at all. Then Brenda's IPhone decided to go into emergency mode and refused to give in to any other features, so that stressed her out. Aside from that we had a lovely time the follwoing days exploring the MacArthur Ocean Beach Park, having an authentic French lunch at Paris in Town (www.parisintown.com), and visiting the Norton Museum.

And no, Remy didn't get neglected. I still did his morning 'room service', rode, and took care of him. He just was on his own in the afternoons, but Herbie covered the 'afternoon service' for me, so really, we are talking one well taken care of horse.

Not that Remy showed any special appreciation - he was a little stinker on Saturday. High winds and cats running through the arena did nothing to enhance his concentration. Overall, though, he is working well and we are making steady progress.

The clock is ticking, though... three more weeks and we are heading back to MI. This time hopefully his transport will be easier on him. Jan will have four horses going straight to MI, so no detours, which is great. And Remy is traveling with his 'bromance partner', Boti, so that will help.

Here are some impressions from our stay:

Pig (Newton) in a blanket

Mr. Handsome

Halvorsrod Farm
Outdoor Arena

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