Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Eagle has landed - in Michigan

Remy is home! His return took about 26 hours, compared to the 42 hours it took to get to Florida. JP had been on anxious standby since this morning, with the tractor ready to shuttle Remy's copious belongings. Not sure who's happier that he's home - Remy or JP?

The eagle has landed
I'm currently in Lexington, KY. I left GA early this morning, and while I didn't expect much traffic in Atlanta, I was still surprised at the empty roads. People take the stay at home serious, which is great. The rest stops are all sparkling clean, lots of disinfectant every where. Would be nice if that could continue after the pandemic. The TN to KY stretch always seems very long, but it was a beautiful day for a drive through the mountains.
Spring in Tennessee
There are only about a handful of people staying at the hotel here. I do think this social distancing thing is getting to some guys. I was just taking a short walk to stretch my legs when I got asked for my phone number from two different guys. (I kept my distance and the guys were yelling from across the street). Desperation seems to be settling in!

I opted to forgo the walk and social distanced myself with a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon Ale from the hotel bar to keep me company while watching Netflix. Not bad - but it'll be far better tomorrow night :-)

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