I am working from home this afternoon and am VERY HAPPY looking out of the window seeing the boys (sure beats looking at the guys at work!). They both walked onto the trailer last night without a second of hesitation, and claimed their pastures at home immediately. I was a bit worried that they might be running around like maniacs (after all, they had been gone for almost six months), but it was like they never had left.
Dr. Weaver came as scheduled this afternoon. Turns out Chambord's right hip and left shoulder were blocked, thus the difficulties bending to the right. For Saumur it was the opposite: left hip and right shoulder. Saumur let out a huge sigh when his hip got adjusted. The proof will be in the pudding - will Chambord stop the crow hopping next time I get him on a 20m circle to the right?? We'll see on Saturday.
Good news on the saddle front: Stacy, the saddle fitter from Wisconsin, has reworked Chambord's saddle and will bring it to us the weekend after next. Ah, sometimes things just fall into place.
The only small concern I have is that I didn't get to do all the lessons I had planned before the George clinic - we'll just have to make do. In the big scheme of things - no big deal!
Off to muck out stalls, better get used to that again - as well as to 5 a.m. feedings. Actually, my days always start much better after I have been greeted eagerly by the hungry boys. JP just doesn't whinny that nicely :-).
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