We rode the boys for the first time this year in our outdoor arena, and they both were super. Saumur, who usually gets very distracted by his surroundings, focused and went to work without any problems. That despite of cars and bikes driving right by the arena, strange dogs coming up barking, and our dogs voicing loudly their discontent of having to stay in.
Saumur and I had good walk pirouettes, trot half-passes, and even QUIET flying changes. I was thrilled. And I was equally thrilled with Chambord. He really listened to JP, trotted around in nice self-carriage, no trouble bending, not a hint of crow-hopping or bucking.
That made us both feel so good that JP opened a 10-year old, numbered bottle of St. Emilion to celebrate - very considerate of the boys to give us a ‘reason’ to tackle that bottle!
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