A perfect day for a trailride, cool, light breeze, almost no bugs. What a relief after all the rain and dreariness we had in the last days. I had been working very long hours this week, so I couldn't wait for today's trailride.
The boys seemed happy to be out, ears perked, attentive, and yes, well, also trying to catch a snack along the way. The first part of the ride was wonderful, Saumur had some really nice extended trot following Chambord who was cantering. But then Chambord got startled, put a stop in, and JP tumbled off. Luckily, JP was fine and got right back on.
Not much later we were at a walk when all of a sudden noise and movement in the tall weeds next to a chain link fence surprised both of the boys (and us). It was a small fawn trying to get through the fence. The boys almost simultaneously executed 180's with canter departs thrown in for good measure, and this time both JP and I came off. Chambord stopped immediately and looked down at JP, Saumur cantered off, "I'm outta here, you deal with this". It was funny, because the fawn ran after him. Saumur didn't go far, though, he stopped and waited for me to 'rescue' him. We got back on and continued the trip home without further incident.
All in all it was a good experience, because a) nobody got hurt, b) the boys stayed with us, c) it reminded us that we are able to fall of without getting hurt, and d) well... how many couples share even falling off their horses at the same time??
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