The boys are home and things are humming along - at least health wise. My mind is not humming, it's running a marathon, trying to figure out how to get riding, lessons, and yes - horse shows!, all in a schedule that's overflowing with work commitments.
Deep breath and focus. OK, no lessons this weekend. My arena at home is not big enough to practise tests. So, I need to focus on single movements and practise those. I don't need to ride an entire test all the time, but I do need to improve every single movement. Then next weekend we can put it all together in a lesson.
I'll see if I can leave the boys at Sandy's right before the Waterloo show, so Saumur goes to Waterloo from Sandy's and Chambord can stay with his buddies. This is an added headache, how to arrange for Chambord to have company. We were close to getting a pony, but that didn't work out, and I haven't had the time to really focus on a search for a companion pony. In the meantime, we have to figure out the logistics. Ugh! There are times when I just don't want to think anymore. There is only so much I can focus on, the rest gets attention 'whenever'.
I'm at the point again where I think WHY?? Why not just go on trailrides and relax? Most sensible people would come to that easy conclusion. I, OTOH, can't seem to let go of the stress. I've come that far with Saumur, I don't want to give up his training and showing - but there are days when it's just so darn hard to stick to it.
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