As expected, our lessons today were pretty 'ouchy'. Everything between my neck and tailbone is sore. Hmm, maybe some Bute would help? Instead, both JP and I opted for Motrin instead and carried on.
The theme today: PRECISION AND PREPARATION. The concept was familiar: transitions, transitions, and some more transitions. Sandy really had me use the corners, which yes, I like to cut (sometimes not just riding - housecleaning comes to mind..). So downward transitions before the the corners, bend around the inside leg, then upward transitions in the corners. It created some of the nicest collected canter we have had down the long side.
PRECISION in the test: Sounds really easy but it's also easy to get sloppy. At the last show for some reason I didn't make it all the way to X for the halt - salute. So today we practised using the peripheral vision to stop when my boot is at X.
PREPARATION for the movements:. Sandy reminded me that it's not the flying change that matters, it's how I set Saumur up, how I prepare for it. If he is nice, soft and on the aids - no problem. Charging through half-halts OTOH will not produce clean changes (duh!).
Today I got treated to a reaction to 'overprepared'. Yes, there is such a thing. Saumur was already nice and soft, but I still gave him another strong half halt in preparation for the change, so he threw his head up and hopped to let me know in no uncertain terms that THAT was uncalled for. Thanks, bud, for letting me know when I am wrong! Now, where did I put that old jar of Bute??
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