The boys had their appointment with Dr. Weaver, who specializes in Equine Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Yes, I am sure a lot of people think it’s a bit over the top, but I have seen the benefits first hand. Especially Saumur has benefited from the treatments after his accident last fall when he injured his hip trying to race through an open gate at the same time as Chambord. Saumur’s hip bone took the hinge and gate right out. Luckily Saumur’s hip was ‘only’ severely bruised, no bone chips, but he was off for a month and needed rehab work.
Dr. Weaver found Saumur to be stiff and locked on his left side, usually is the right shoulder/hip. Saumur noticeably relaxed after the adjustment. Chambord's check up revealed that “he is perfect, doesn’t need a thing”, which of course made JP gush about his wonderful horse for the rest of the evening.
So, check mark on the physical part. Next on the list: fix the saddle. It never fails, show season rolls around and something happens. A couple of years ago the tree points of my saddle broke, and all of a sudden I was splashed across Saumur’s back while warming him up at the show. This time the air is out – literally. My Schleese saddle has air panels, and the right one is like a deflated balloon. A call to Luanne, the Schleese fitter, revealed that she is on her way to Iowa, of all places. If all goes well she’ll be back Sunday, and hopefully will be able to fix it. No pressure here (short of begging her to PLEASE fix it before we leave for Traverse City)!
Somehow I need to find the time to get myself ‘fixed’ – ha, I can already hear people say “good luck with that” … Actually, I meant getting myself to the Chiropractor.
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